At FKCS, students join us from around the world, both online and in-person. Our Safe Arrival Programme has been designed so that students transitioning from studying online in their home countries are able to safely and successfully make the transition to on-campus learning.
Our Safe FKCS student from Nigeria (pictured studying on campus, at left) recently completed our Safe Arrival Programme and reflected on the process:
“The Safe Arrival Programme made by the school is a good initiative. I was able to use the Safe Arrival Plan to know what I needed to do before and after I arrived in Canada. I arrived in Canada and stayed in a hotel to observe the 14-day quarantine. While in quarantine, my online study continued, which was a great transition. I was able to join classes real-time and have an online experience of a normal class.”
We are excited to continue to welcome students to Canada and will continue to prioritize their safety and well-being. We aim to ensure that they feel supported and warmly welcomed into our school community.